Learn to DELIVER with that Professional Touch in less than 3 Months

Hurry! Only 7 Limited discount slots available

Save yourself from 10 more years of wasted and embarrassing effort and learn how to actually make your Original Songs and Performances SHINE in LIVE Shows/Recording Sessions

Discount Applied ₹2999

Vocal and Guitar training only for Songwriters

The Opportunities you are losing out on by missing ur TRAINING

Discount Applied ₹2999

Only 7 Personalized Slots left at this Price.

Grab your Vocal and Guitar Training for Songwriters NOW

✔️ Singing Higher Notes comfortably and admirably

✔️ Developing your Vocal Sound with Raspy, Husky, and Baritone textures

✔️ Resolve your Timing and Keeping the Beat Issues for LIFE

✔️ Using Blues, Rock, and Jazz styles in your Songwriting

✔️ Improvising your Guitar Playing in real-time with addictive Solos and Licks

✔️ Using unconventional Chord Progressions involving 7ths, Diminisheds and Suspendeds

What will you get after Applying?

Two-hour Consultation to design a Personalized Roadmap

Often as Songwriters and Musicians we have no idea what our current capabilities are. As a result achieving those abilities on Voice and Guitar feel so difficult, personally.

That's why by joining this Two Hour Consultation, you will have a chance to analyse your current skillsets on Vocal/Guitar as well as the Songs that you have written, or even performed LIVE.

This will help us identify the biggest weaknesses that you have and create a Personalized Roadmap that you can start following to overcome those challenges within well-defined timelines.

BONUS 4 Hour Crash Course

Learning from Youtube Videos is great but it soon starts to wear you out as you never really understand the Next Step.

That's why we are giving away a Minimalistic, yet effective, Four Hour Crash Course, with only 4 Hours of content which will show you exactly how to get a hold of those Barre Chords, Develop your Hearing Skills, and even how to use Simple Theory to your advantage when Songwriting.

This Crash Course will reveal to you how Performing LIVE is not a matter of extensive knowledge or talent. Rather its all about efficient practice habits with Clear Action-oriented Goals.

Super Secret Access to private Facebook Group

It can be lonely being a Songwriter, without a circle of Musician friends who constantly support and encourage you in your Artistic Work.

That's why, as a part of your application, you will be invited to our Super Secret Songwriters Group on Facebook, where you can showcase your work, have your doubts answered, and collaborate with like-minded individuals from around the Globe... opening up several more opportunities for you.

Additionally, you will find it really fun and engaging by joining the WEEKEND Musical meetings in the group and display your progress on Guitar, Vocals, as well as the Epic Songs you have created so far.

Only 7 discounted slots available... Get yours Now

Discounted from ₹ 2999

Who is this Actually Meant for?

Unfortunately, we can't help everyone, and this will ONLY benefit those who meet the following criteria

#1 You are 30s, 40s, or even in your 50s

#2 You Sing / play Guitar already even if its at a rudimentary level

#3 You write many Songs or are a Musical Creative like a Songwriter, Producer, DJ, Sound Engineer, Vocalist

#4 You are tired of your weak Vocal/Guitar/Performance skills and are dying to LEVEL UP

Start the Vocal and Guitar Training for Songwriters

Use one of the 7 limited discount slots available NOWWWW... to learn to Dominate those LIVE shows within the Next 3 Months

Discounted from ₹2999

Past Results from the Songwriter's Training

We have limited bandwidth and are only helping the most committed Songwriters at the moment.

Only 7 Slots left... Book Soon!

Dont waste your money if you are NOT Ready to
Start Sounding like that Professional Artist within 3 Months

Edith Duggan - Travel Agent and Musician

Discount applied ₹ 2999

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